Friday, March 18, 2011

What is Terrorism?

There are no Muslim Terrorists, there are some Radicals who hide behind the name of Islam but there are no muslim terrorists, but if you buy into the Media's depiction of Terrorism then there are no Muslim Terrorists and the very idea is absurd.
Terrorism is the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion. No universally agreed, legally binding, criminal law definition of terrorism currently exists. BUT to me based on the Media's description of Terrorism, Terrorism would then have to exist in America mostly in Arizona and Wisconsin and certain southern states.
the extremist Bigoted hate crime of bombing or biological chemical Violence aimed at individuals or other groups i.e Radical Hate Criminals are Terrorists & Radical Hate Crimes are Terrorism.
This rational conclusion is based on the fact that America propaganda sells the idea of Terrorism as a oppressive scare tactic the media depicts Muslim Extremists as those who Hate Liberty.
BUT no Islamic Group fits this category. But there are several non Muslim groups and individuals that do.

There are four Groups in particular who fit the this depiction; the first one is actually several groups that all share the same trend of W.A.S.P and they are
the Neo-Nazi Terrorists, Neo-Nazi Terrorists come in many forms, KKK, Aryan Nation, Aryan Brotherhood, Real Skins, White Pride World Wide and the list goes on, and before you say it, "Yes" this is a label I have no shame in labeling all this Neo-Nazi Terrorism, I could care less what their individual philosophies are all the same or not. the second Group is Unified calling them Selves The Born Again Defense Squad, this is a Group of Protestants, mostly Pentecostals, Non-Denominationals, Baptists and Evangelicals, this Group are big time Gay Bashers and Islamophobes. The Third and most secretive are the United Anti-Religious Science Assembly this Group is exclusively based in Wisconsin, it comprises of mostly Non-Denominationals, Secular Humanists and Theists. The Forth which has proven to be the Most Dangerous is the Darwinist Atheist Society. These Guys are Male Chauvinists alswell as Homophobes, Antisemites and Islamophobes,They started in New Jersey but came to California and Spreed to Arizona and Texas, They believe in Social Darwinism as does most every Atheist, as a result they see Homosexuality as Cancer in Human Evolution. This is very common in Mainstream Atheism scary hu? Yet the Media has little concern with these Groups. Generally a hate Crime is but the action of Racist, Homophobic or Anti-Religious prejudice including acts of public or privet discrimination or some kind, but these four Groups do the very things labeled Terrorism. So I define that Terrorism is Extremist Hate Crimes.

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