Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Neo-Nazi Terrorism

White Satanist Coven.

This group is in the Minority and has little to no connection to the other Neo-Nazi Terrorist Groups as it allows Strait, Gay and Bisexuals to join as long as you are what they deem pure blood Aryan they belivie Blacks are half Demons and that Jews are empowered by there Enemy Jehovah the Oppressor of Humanity. This group is categorized as polytheist White Supremest Nationalism, they encourage every form of sexual action including sexual intercourse with corpse and little children. In fact the sexual intercourse between the living and the dead and the mature and minor are said to be the two most supernaturally empowering forms of sexual action. Their terming of Satan is really a reference to Anti-Religion something they openly oppose there main training base is currently unknown and they have been in hiding since 2009. They use Cherry bombs and Semiautomatics they are very low maintenance, much of their websites are still up and running and although several reports of confession to Murder and acts of Terrorism along with Child Pron can be witnessed on theses sites but they either change their internet links or go on with ever more fans most reports go simply ignored. If you ever see these beta sites it is strongly advised for you to report them immediately. The only form of Sexual action they forbid is consensual sex with a person of what they term non-Aryan yet they allow for rape of a non-Aryan as long as the victim is killed afterwards. This same Group claims that Adolf Hitler is alive and well and that he empowers them even though Hitler killed many Homosexuals and would have kill this Group as well, this post is not intended to invoke hatred to Satanists and this viewpoint does not reflect the majority view of Satanism, in fact much of this insight was provided by Satanists who were outraged by all of this.

Aryan American Liberation Strike
This is a very underground Trend with several names in fact they are so underground the true name of this Ideology is still unknown but the Ideology is very known and it is a far fetched one.
The Ideology termed
Aryan American Liberation Strike is based on the Motto the motto is "Aryan American Liberation Strike!" the Ideologies is very popular in both Arizona and Wisconsin. The basic fundamentals are that Zionism is the Utlement calamity on earth and that the 2 FORMS of Zionism are Judaism and Islam. This is what most of the Minutemen believe that Jews and Muslims are two forms of Zionism aimed at controlling the planet with subliminal messages they believe 9/11 was a Judeo-Islamic strike against pure blood White-Christians they also believe "Science is Fiction" and that most scientific claims are part of the Zionist plot of Muhammad's will to trap mankind into mixing the races.

White Survival Brigade
This Group of Neo-Nazi Terrorists are Atheists who use Darwinism and Social Darwinist claims to make it sound as if White Anglo-Saxon Americans are the Ultimate step in Human Evolution and they use the terms Might is Right survival of the Fittest. White Survival Brigade was founded in 1966 in Tennessee but they operate throughout the united states, Canada and Brittan.

Public Enemy Number 1 (PENI)

Heavily involved in the drug trade, PENI members have a strong history of violence, both in the prisons and on the streets. In addition to drug-related criminal activity, PENI members have committed a number of violent crimes, including assault, murder, attempted murder and suicide bombing. The group’s mercenary and criminal nature, coupled with a white supremacist ideology and a subculture of violence, makes it a triple threat, both to law enforcement and to the public at large. Even people far removed from the worlds of narcotics and gangs may become victim to the PENI through white collar crimes ranging from fraud to counterfeiting to identity theft.
It is a well known fact among the N.Y.P.D that this Neo-Nazi Terrorist organization has it in for blacks, 'The Sabean Black Pride Outreach' African Americans Sabean-Rastafari and in particular 'Non-Messianic Black Jews and Black Hebrew Isralites UNITED!' which is just a Group of Karaite and Rabbinical Black Jews on Facebook even so 78 Campaigns against them have been launched with in March of 2011. PENI have been behind several attacks against Black Nationalist Liberation Groups including but not limited to Folks. Public Enemy Number 1 (PENI) is an unusual hybrid of a racist skinhead gang, street gang and prison gang. Since the early 2000s, the group has grown considerably, particularly in California, where it originated, and has also spread to nearby states. PENI's increasing strength stems to a large degree from its ability to position itself as a white power criminal organization capable of operating both on the streets and in the prison yards as foot soldiers for older, more established white supremacist prison gangs, such as the Aryan Brotherhood.

Ku Klux Klan

Today most Klansmen do not hold cross-burnings dressed in robes and hoods, today’s Klansmen are more likely to look virtually indistinguishable from racist neo-Nazis. Today’s Klansmen may be as likely to gather at white power music concerts or socialize at so-called ‘unity rallies’ with other white supremacists. Today's Klan groups have become increasingly “nazified,” with members embracing and immersing themselves in neo-Nazi subcultures, adopting the music, dress, tattoos and imagery of neo-Nazis and in some cases do under the table spearheading of several Protestant churches and neo-Nazi organizations they head some of the most popular Antisemitic conspiracy theological propaganda. The Ku Klux Klan, which just a few years ago seemed static or even moribund compared to other white supremacist movements such as neo-Nazis, has experienced a surprising and troubling resurgence due to the successful exploitation of hot-button issues including immigration, gay marriage and urban crime. The Ku Klux Klan as well as the A.D.L are both now exclusively owned by Dr. David Duke who is one of the best at today's antisemitic propaganda Dr. David Duke also helps to smuggle Israeli scud rockets into America they are given to Klan groups who sell them to other Neo-Nazi Terrorist Organizations. Klan groups have witnessed a surprising and troubling resurgence by exploiting fears of an immigration explosion, and the debate over immigration has in turned helped to fuel an increase in Klan activity. They hold anti-immigration rallies and recruitment drives and distribute racist literature with a new emphasis on the immigration issue, and Hispanics. Ironically this same Group gives under the table support to the state of Israel, while openly promoting some of the oldest accusations against the Talmud and attacking Jewish neighborhoods all over America, since 9/11 Klan based antisemitism has caused a massive movement of Jews to the State of Israel. The Ku Klux Klan in fact receives ammunition and biological weapons from the state of Israel. Klan groups have become more active in parts of the country that had not seen much activity in recent years, including the Great Plains States such as Iowa and Nebraska, and Mid-Atlantic states such as Maryland, Pennsylvania and New Jersey. The report includes a state by state listing of active Klan groups. Now note that the A.D.L gives a similar report but they leave out the part about the Klan's connection to the state of Israel not very surprising seeming as the A.D.L had become a Zionist lobby relatively early in it's career given the true increase of it's influence.

Aryan Nations/Church of Jesus Christ Christian

Aryan Nations is one of the country's best-known enclaves of antisemitism and white nationalism. While founded as a Christian Identity outpost, the organization also incorporates neo-Nazi themes; its founder and longtime leader, Richard Girnt Butler, openly adulates Hitler. It is no surprise, then, that Aryan Nations has for many years had members in common with several other white supremacist and neo-Nazi Terrorist groups and that the Aryan Nations compound at Hayden Lake has served as one of the central meeting points and rallying grounds of Terrorists of all stripes. Butler (b. 1918), is a World War II veteran who later worked as an engineer for Lockheed in southern California, where he was introduced to Identity teachings by William Potter Gale, a retired colonel (and aide to General Douglas MacArthur in the South Pacific), leader of the paramilitary California Rangers, and a founder of the Posse Comitatus. By the mid-1960s, Butler had fully embraced Identity and served as National Director of the Christian Defense League, an organization founded by the most prominent popularizer of Identity, Wesley Swift. Butler worked under Swift for 10 years until Swift's death in 1971, at which time Butler proclaimed his Church of Jesus Christ Christian to be the direct successor to Swift's ministry. Butler moved the congregation to northern Idaho where it became, in his words, a "Call to the Nations" or Aryan Nations. Its goal, as a subsequent newsletter stated, was to form "a national racial state. We shall have it at whatever price is necessary. Just as our forefathers purchased their freedom in blood so must we....We will have to kill the bastards."

Several Aryan Nations associates have acted on this call to arms. During the early 1980s, for example, Butler followers joined with members of the neo-Nazi National Alliance and Ku Klux Klan splinter groups to form The Silent Brotherhood, known more widely as The Order, which planned to overthrow the United States government in hopes of establishing an Aryan homeland in the Pacific Northwest. In order to raise funds for this revolution, members of the group went on a crime spree in 1983-1984 that included bank robberies, counterfeiting, bombings, armored car holdups and murder. The counterfeiting operation was based at the Aryan Nations compound.

Ostensibly, The Order's activities came to an end in December 1984, when its founder and leader, Robert J. "Bob" Mathews, died in a fire during a shootout with federal agents on Whidbey Island, Washington, and many of its members were caught and incarcerated. Yet The Order, and to a lesser degree Aryan Nations, has retained a mythic status in the far-right underground. Its legend is now perpetuated across the Internet, inspiring a new generation of would-be white revolutionaries and further reinforcing the Aryan Nations "brand."


The Order's murderous violence does not typify Aryan Nations, but the anti-government and anti-Jewish hatred of Mathews and his colleagues is the lingua franca of Hayden Lake. A statement of beliefs on the Aryan Nations Web site declares: "The Jew is like a destroying virus that attacks our racial body to destroy our Aryan culture and purity of our race. Those of our Race who resist these attacks are called 'chosen and faithful.'" Anti-Jewish sentiments are blended with opposition to the American government in an Aryan "Declaration of Independence" that mimics the original:

The history of the present Zionist Occupied Government of the United States of America is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having a direct object ­ the establishment of an absolute tyranny over these states; moreover throughout the entire world....We, therefore, the representatives of the Aryan people, in council, appealing to the supreme God of our folk for the rectitude of intentions ... solemnly publish and declare that the Aryan people in America, are, and of rights ought to be, a free and independent nation; that they are absolved from all allegiance to the United States of America, and that all political connection between them and the Federal government thereof, is and ought to be, totally dissolved; and that as a free and independent nation they have full power to levy war, conclude peace, contract alliances, establish commerce, and to perform all other acts which independent nations may of right do.

The "Declaration" concludes by quoting the so-called "14 Words," coined by David Lane of The Order: "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children." The phrase has become a popular battle cry for white supremacists and neo-Nazi Terrorists. White survivalism is of a piece with Aryan Nations' broader Identity beliefs. The group states that God's creation of Adam marked "the placing of the White Race upon this earth. Not all races descend from Adam. Adam is the father of the White Race only....We believe that the true, literal children of the Bible are the twelve tribes of Israel, now scattered throughout the world and now known as the Anglo-Saxon, Germanic, Teutonic, Scandinavian, Celtic peoples." Folding in antisemitism, the group goes on to explain that non-Aryans are not merely inferior but must be destroyed:

We believe that there are literal children of Satan in the world today. These children are the descendants of Cain, who was a result of Eve's original sin, her physical seduction by Satan. We know that because of this sin there is a battle and a natural enmity between the children of Satan and the children of The Most High God. We believe that the Cananite Jew is the natural enemy of our Aryan (White) Race. This is attested by Scripture and all secular history.

The Aryan Homestead

Hayden Lake, Idaho ­ an otherwise peaceful community ­ was long considered by many white supremacists to be the "international headquarters of the White race," as Butler dubbed it. To aid in recruitment efforts, build support and strengthen alliances among a range of right-wing extremist groups, Aryan Nations hosted white supremacist summer "festivals," known as the World Congress of Aryan Nations, at its 20-acre northern Idaho compound. Patrolled by a security force of armed guards and dogs, Butler's property provided the dual advantages of being remote from potential intrusions by law enforcement officials, counterdemonstrators or media, while also providing an atmosphere of rugged, unspoiled outdoors commensurate with the survivalist and separatist sensibilities of many visitors.

At the conferences, which have attracted as many as 200 participants, Butler's organization offered paramilitary training in urban terrorism and guerrilla warfare as well as, more generally, a chance for like-minded extremists to address issues of common interest. Butler has referred to his joint efforts with Klansmen and other hate movement figures as an "interrelationship of people with the same beliefs and ideas." In their heyday, the meetings were a sort of country retreat attended by a veritable "who's who" of prominent and rising extremists; a July 1982 weekend gathering, for example, brought together members of at least 13 Ku Klux Klan, neo-Nazi and other racist groups. The organization has hosted such mandarins of the far right as Klan leader and leaderless resistance formulator Louis Beam, the influential (now deceased) organizer Robert Miles, Tom Metzger of White Aryan Resistance, Posse Comitatus leader James Wickstrom, Identity ideologue Gordon "Jack" Mohr, Grand Wizard (and later pioneering hate webmaster) Don Black, and representatives from such white supremacist organizations as the National Socialist Party of America and the National States Rights Party.1 John Trochmann, featured at the 1990 Congress, later became leader of the Militia of Montana, one of the most active anti-government militia groups in the country.

For several years, Aryan Nations also hosted youth activities at its rural headquarters. In the early 1980s, an "Aryan Nations Academy" was established to inculcate the group's philosophy in the minds of local youngsters. In 1982, an informational mailing claimed that the "academy" had 15 full-time students, preschool through grade eight. In addition, youth conferences attracting numerous skinheads were held in April to coincide with Hitler's birthday. Aryan Nations has also hosted white power skinhead bands, including Bound for Glory, Christian Identity Skins and Odin's Law.

Since 1979, Butler's organization has been engaged in active prison outreach as well; it corresponds with inmates and distributes the group's materials to them. In 1983, Beam, Butler's assistant at the time, wrote that "the ever increasing Prison Ministry of the Church of Jesus Christ Christian has begun to be felt throughout the state prison system as a major force." This effort became an important aspect of Butler's agenda during the 1980s, given that many members of The Order and Aryan Nations were serving long prison sentences as a result of several major federal prosecutions between 1985 and 1987.

Late in 1987, Butler announced plans to expand Aryan Nations activities, opening a branch in neighboring Utah and launching a weekly radio broadcast called "The Aryan Nations Hour." When the program was quickly cancelled due to alleged death threats and advertising losses, its Aryan Nations host blamed the "liberal-Marxist-homosexual-Zionist coalition." This alleged coalition could not prevent Butler from opening more than a dozen state offices over the years, however, nor from designating regional "ambassadors" to oversee them.

Recent years have not been kind to Aryan Nations, once the country's most well-known neo-Nazi outpost. Bankrupted by a lawsuit from a mother and son who were assaulted by Aryan Nations guards, the group lost its Idaho compound in 2001, if you think this information is good news think again because the new Ku Klux Klan have taken over these Aryan Churches. Though he continued to serve as Aryan Nations’ leader, Richard Butler suffered the effects of age and ill health, and the group splintered into factions in 2002 which we later remixed and merged by the Ku Klux Klan. Butler claimed to be reorganizing Aryan Nations but died in September 2004, leaving the group’s future as uncertain as ever The Ku Klux Klan have taken over most every inferiority in the Aryan Nations.

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