Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Born Again Defense Squad

The Born Again Defense Squad is a underground Protestant-Christian Terrorist Organization based in Arizona but it's establishment is near world wide. Know for bombing Masques,Churches, Anti-Zionist Synagogues and Gay Pride Parades. This group is Communist and Anti-Socialist self proclaimed SWORN enemy of the Homosexuals, Religions especially Eastern Christianity and Islam, seekers of their own Protestant-Christendom worldwide, this Group is very underground yet easy to spot if you know the trends words like BORN AGAIN BLOOD BOUGHT CHRISTIAN are some of the most commune words used they are not a group based on blunt racism they are a group based on indirect racism, their of one of the highest in number of Arizona's subculture they train groups in the desert how to fight in combat and they teach it's important to kill religious groups especially Eastern Christians and Muslims they are not fond of Roman Catholicism but have been know to make alliances with them. They teach that any Christian can be forgiven of any sin except that of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, So what is their definition of Blaspheming the Holy Spirit? Their answer is homosexuality not just homosexual actions but even slight attraction to the same sex. They also teach that a married Man can have carnal relations with a unmarried woman, but that a Married Woman can not have carnal relations with an unmarried man. They also teach that a Married Man does not need his wife's permission to have sex outside his marriage. This Group consists of Evangelicals, Baptists, Pentecostals and Non-Denominationals they also teach that the only Religion invented by God is Judaism and that the Jews are the Chosen Race of God. They want to take over every Zionist Lobby and cut off all Deist Bankers. They hope to either convert as many Jews as possible or send them all to Israel they are highly aware of Neturei Karta and they teach their children that they are Muslims dressed up as Jews they also claim that the Talmud is Satanic and that all Jews who refuse to become Messianic Jews need to become Karaites. Rabbinic Judaism is according to them a Islamic Myth invented in the 13th Century. This group preaches Communism and even mixes Marxist Ideologies with the Words of Jesus. Quote from the Born Again Defense Squad
"Religions are all from the Devil only one Religion is from God and that is Judaism. Christianity is not a Religion rather it is the Human connection to Jesus the only path to God. Jews are free to embrace Jesus as all other Races are, but the Jews carry the Old Covenant which is from God before the days of Salvation."


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I wonder why most of the groups called "something defense squad" or "something defense league" are always after killing some religious groups, slaughtering homosexuals and convincing the world that they love the Jewish people, while they secretly want the Jews to go through a second holocaust ?? i.e "the English defense League" , "The Muslims defense League" not to mention the Christian Zionists and now this Born Again Defense Squad !
