Saturday, May 28, 2011

David Ernest Duke

David Ernest Duke also know as Dr. David Duke is the privet owner or the A.D.L and the new Official mastermind of the K.K.K (born July 1, 1950) is an American white nationalist activist and writer, and former Republican Louisiana State Representive. He was also a former candidate in the Republican presidential primaries in 1992, and in the Democratic presidential primaries in 1988. Duke has unsuccessfully run for the Louisiana State Senate, U.S Senate, U.S House of Representatives, and Governor of Louisiana.
This is the same Dr. David Duke that in July 1983 masterminded the firebombing of the Southern Poverty Law center, destroying the building and records. In February 1985 Klan members and a Klan sympathizer pleaded guilty to federal and state charges related to the fire. At the trial Klansmen Joe M. Garner and Roy T. Downs Jr. along with Charles Bailey pleaded guilty to conspiring to intimidate oppress and threaten members of black organizations represented by SPLC. Dr. David Duke was not even Indicted despite overwhelming evidence against him. Dr. David Duke is a Terrorist Leader and Mastermind of the most popular forms of Anti-Talmudism he is seen on youtube and he has 4 mega websites. The old Antisemitic propaganda used by the Old-roman Catholic Church and Adolf Hitler and promoted by him. He spent a total $8,000,000 putting up his propaganda from 2002 to 2010. The way Dr. Duke sells him self and the way he is are two different things he describes himself as a racial realist, asserting that "all people have a basic human right to preserve their own heritage." He is as he puts it a strong opposition to Judaism as well as Jewish control of the Federal Reserve Bank. But what David Duke does not tell his fans is that he works very close to Benjamin Netanyahu. Since David Duke outbought the shares to the A.D.L in 1992 he has worked hard to promote several sides of subculture in order to promote division his greatest success came right after September 11, 2001 when it was he who promoted the idea that it was the work of Mossad at the same time he has tried to prevent any Masques from being built in New York City through lobbing using the A.D.L he has provided the Ku Klux Klan with several weapons made in Israel used to kill Jews and blow up American Jewish community centers right after the Death of Lubavitch's Rebbe he used his new A.D.L resources to infiltrate Chabad with only partial successes A.D.L has only assumed 2 fourths control over Lubavitch. Several of the Jews in America have now left and moved to the state of Israel fearing America to be a White Nationalist country. He has helped to fund several anti-Black Nationalist campaigns.
Duke has expressed his support for Holocaust denier Ernst Christof Friedrich Zündel, a German who lived in Canada. Duke made a number of statements in support of Zündel and his Holocaust denial campaign. David Duke is a Terrorist and a white supremest Anarchist. Popularity of his work grows even today most post-9/11 antisemitic literature is based on his theology.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I should not use fowl language about anyone BUT i hate this New World Order Agent.
