Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The OCCUPY Movement and Terrorist Envy

What started as a relatively small uprising in New York was ignored by local media, until it grew too big to be ignored and forced even mainstream media, and the public, to pay attention.
'Occupy Wall Street' has begun the most exciting, grassroots revolution since the Civil Rights struggle headed by the late Martin Luther King Jr. What started in New York, now has an undeniable presence worldwide. Most would agree that the main focus of the movement is to rally against corporate greed and influence on personal lives and freedoms. Youtube.com is full of these videos, and mostly everyone seems to agree on this theme. Like all effective rebellions, the enemies have taken notice. This movement has been so effective, that even racist, white power groups want a piece of the action. You won't have to look too hard to find blogs from these groups, and the mainstream media is using this envy to their advantage. The latest accusations against the movement from mainstream media include racism, anti-semitism, and violence. At the other end of the spectrum, is the fear that the movement could become co-opted by the compromising, liberal politics that helped get us into this corporate mess. Famous blogger and truthdig editor Chris Hedges, has a response to this : "The best that liberals can do is sheepishly pretend this is what they wanted all along. Groups such as MoveOn and organized labor will find themselves without a constituency unless they at least pay lip service to the protests." In a youtube.com interview, Chris Hedges was also quick to point out that the State (powers that be) knows how to deal with violence, but they don't know how to deal with the Occupy movement. This emphasizes the utter importance of keeping the movement non-violent for its very survival, because instigators and infiltrators will come. That's inevitable. Mainstream media is already trying to portray this movement as nothing more than anarchist hoodlums and terrorists, even though there are military servicemen and war veterans getting actively involved in the protest. Besides, this movement will have enough to contend with corporate terrorist groups like XE (formerly known as 'Blackwater') - the ones who terrorized Iraq and even New Orleans, unbeknownst to many. What this movement offers is far greater than any violent opposition could ever accomplish. Just look online. The world is watching... and waiting.

Monday, September 12, 2011

A New Face of Terrorism

With the recent terror attacks this year in Norway, we
can now dispel the myth that a terrorist is only olive-skinned,
turbaned and arabic-speaking. Most news media proclaimed
Andre Behring Breivik a "right-wing extremist". I was pleased
to see that at least wikipedia got it right by adding the correct word "terrorist" along with that description.
By definition, terrorism is defined as the systematic use of
terror especially as a means of coercion. The children that
Andre targetted were affiliated with the labor party of Norway,
even though terrorist-sympathizer and ultra right-wing
commentator Glenn Beck compared these terror-victims
to Hitler's Youth, a very confusing and contradictory
reference to the fascist children of that time. Anybody who
claims to be a christian and condones this violence should
be immediately ostracized, but we're now living in a very
strange reality portrayed by corporate-sponsored media,
where people like Glenn Beck are given a platform.
Another face of recent terror came from Arizona from one
Jared Lee Loughner, who not only tried to assasinate a
jewish, democratic congresswoman, but also managed to
kill six innocent people, including children. As usual, the word
terrorist was absent from most media and internet. It's time
we english-speaking Americans put words back into their
proper context, and call these white-skinned men what they
are... terrorists ! It doesn't matter that Andre looks like a
male model or Jared looks like a death-metal band lead singer,
the fact is they are terrorists who commited acts of terror, who don't happen to fit the media-stereotype of our muslim-American friends and neighbors. These are the new faces of terror !

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Sarcastic Enlightenment is the Salvation of Anti-Terrorists

1. TEXT-TYPIST - One who has mastered the art of texting while driving without the need to look at the buttons.

2. FACEBREAK - A public declaration on the social networking website 'facebook' that the user will be taking an extended break from the website of at least 24 hours or more.

3. 'M.E.D.I.C.' ERA - (acronym "Middle East Dictator Collapse") A term used to describe the current political climate in the general region.

4. ISLAMOPHILE - A leftist, generally caucasian atheist who cannot recite one line from the Koran, yet frequently posts "Allah Akbar" on blogs and chatrooms out of spite for the State of Israel.

5. ISLAMOPHOBE - A conservative, typically caucasian U.S citizen who has never read one line of the Koran, yet proclaims every muslim a terrorist, whether pregnant or under 2 yrs of age, shia sunni or suffi. These individuals tend to believe 9/11 was not an inside job and former President Ronald Reagan is the prophesied Messiah.

6. SPIRITUAL CAPITALIST - One who shares a common belief that spiritual enlightment attracts material wealth, despite the general anti-materialist view of ancient spiritual masters. These individuals tend to believe that 'having your cake and eating it too' will bring you closer to "G-d".

7. 'GREEN' TERRORIST - A government term used to describe one who refrains from violence, but uses subversive information to undermine National ambitions. (example : 'Julian Assange')

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Border Control?? Explain??

Neo-Nazi Terrorist hold favor of Arizona's SB-1070 immigration law.
In Phoenix the only thing that has continued to disrupt the Neo-Nazi Terrorists are Members of Real-Wiccan (which includes the Majority of Arizona's Gay Community), Muslims, Byzantine Catholics, Liberals, Punks and Jewish Human Rights Groups this has time and time again quickly devolved into a mob scene. Members of the National Socialist Movement in Arizona outnumber Real-Wicca, Muslims, Byzantines, Liberals, Punks and Jewish Human Rights Members in Arizona yet never the less confront the Neo-Nazi Terrorist parade on its way to the federal courthouse and other Capital City places at almost every turn. The alliance between white-supremacy groups and Arizona's anti-illegal immigration legislation appears to be more than a matter of personal associations. According to an immigration report from change.org numerous groups linked to white nationalist causes have provided monetary support to Arizona's SB-1070, both in its early stages as well as to its legal defense fund, is Arizona a Terrorist State?
PHOENIX — Minutemen groups, a surge in Border Patrol agents, and a tough new immigration law aren't enough for a reputed neo-Nazi Terrorist who's now leading a militia in the Arizona desert. Jason "J.T." Ready is taking matters into his own hands, declaring war on "sub-humans" and keeping an eye out for illegal immigrants. Jason's organization believes only non-Jewish, white heterosexuals should be American citizens and that everyone who isn't white should leave the country "peacefully or by force."

Quote from Jason :
"We're not going to sit around and wait for the government anymore," Ready said. "This is what our founding fathers did."

An escalation of civilian border watches have taken root in Arizona in recent years, including the Minutemen movement. Various groups patrol the desert on foot, horseback and in airplanes and report suspicious activity to the Border Patrol, and generally, they have not caused problems for law enforcement. But Ready, a 37-year-old ex-Marine, is different. He and his friends are outfitted with military fatigues, body armor and gas masks, and carry assault rifles. Ready takes offense at the term "neo-Nazi," but admits he identifies with the National Socialist Movement.
These are explicit Nazis These are people who wear swastikas on their sleeves. Ready is a reflection of the anger over illegal immigration in Arizona, even though it is the oppression from the United States that causes immigrants to migrate someone like Ready is willing to forgett the facts and endorse Domestic Terrorists. Gov. Jan Brewer signed a controversial new immigration law, which requires police, while enforcing other laws, to question a person's immigration status if officers have a reasonable suspicion that the person is in the country illegally. So basically Racial Profiling is legal in the State of Arizona.

David Ernest Duke

David Ernest Duke also know as Dr. David Duke is the privet owner or the A.D.L and the new Official mastermind of the K.K.K (born July 1, 1950) is an American white nationalist activist and writer, and former Republican Louisiana State Representive. He was also a former candidate in the Republican presidential primaries in 1992, and in the Democratic presidential primaries in 1988. Duke has unsuccessfully run for the Louisiana State Senate, U.S Senate, U.S House of Representatives, and Governor of Louisiana.
This is the same Dr. David Duke that in July 1983 masterminded the firebombing of the Southern Poverty Law center, destroying the building and records. In February 1985 Klan members and a Klan sympathizer pleaded guilty to federal and state charges related to the fire. At the trial Klansmen Joe M. Garner and Roy T. Downs Jr. along with Charles Bailey pleaded guilty to conspiring to intimidate oppress and threaten members of black organizations represented by SPLC. Dr. David Duke was not even Indicted despite overwhelming evidence against him. Dr. David Duke is a Terrorist Leader and Mastermind of the most popular forms of Anti-Talmudism he is seen on youtube and he has 4 mega websites. The old Antisemitic propaganda used by the Old-roman Catholic Church and Adolf Hitler and promoted by him. He spent a total $8,000,000 putting up his propaganda from 2002 to 2010. The way Dr. Duke sells him self and the way he is are two different things he describes himself as a racial realist, asserting that "all people have a basic human right to preserve their own heritage." He is as he puts it a strong opposition to Judaism as well as Jewish control of the Federal Reserve Bank. But what David Duke does not tell his fans is that he works very close to Benjamin Netanyahu. Since David Duke outbought the shares to the A.D.L in 1992 he has worked hard to promote several sides of subculture in order to promote division his greatest success came right after September 11, 2001 when it was he who promoted the idea that it was the work of Mossad at the same time he has tried to prevent any Masques from being built in New York City through lobbing using the A.D.L he has provided the Ku Klux Klan with several weapons made in Israel used to kill Jews and blow up American Jewish community centers right after the Death of Lubavitch's Rebbe he used his new A.D.L resources to infiltrate Chabad with only partial successes A.D.L has only assumed 2 fourths control over Lubavitch. Several of the Jews in America have now left and moved to the state of Israel fearing America to be a White Nationalist country. He has helped to fund several anti-Black Nationalist campaigns.
Duke has expressed his support for Holocaust denier Ernst Christof Friedrich Zündel, a German who lived in Canada. Duke made a number of statements in support of Zündel and his Holocaust denial campaign. David Duke is a Terrorist and a white supremest Anarchist. Popularity of his work grows even today most post-9/11 antisemitic literature is based on his theology.


Joseph M. "Joe" Arpaio (born June 14, 1932) is the elected
Sheriff of Maricopa County in the U.S state of Arizona. First voted into office in 1992 Arpaio is responsible for law enforcement in Maricopa County. This includes management of the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office, county jail, courtroom security, prisoner transport, service of warrants, and service of process. Arpaio promotes himself as "America's Toughest Sheriff." He is well known for his outspoken pro Neo-Nazi Polices and his support of the so-Called War on Terror.
Arpaio is currently the subject of FBI, United States Department of Justice, and Federal Grand Jury investigations for civil rights violations and abuse of power, and is the defendant in a federal class-action suit for racial profiling. Arpaio has become controversial for aggressive publicity-seeking retaliation against political enemies, abuse of power, civil rights violations, and financial mismanagement. Arpaio was is widely popular among voters in Arizona.


English Defence League

The English Defence League (EDL) is a western christian terrorist organization which opposes multiculturalism in England.The EDL uses street-based marches against what it labels as the clear threat of Islam. The EDL originated from a group known as the "United Peoples of Luton", which itself was formed in response to a March 2009 protest against Royal Anglian Regiment troops returning from the Afghan War organised by the Islamist group Al-Muhajiroun and including members of the group Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah. The EDL evolved from the football casual subculture and is loosely organised around figures in hooligan firms. When the Luton counter-demonstration led to arrests, local football supporters, using social networking websites, collaborated with other football casual groups, including those associated with hooliganism.
Tommy Robinson, the founder has considered forming a political party based on his Terrorist stance against all Muslims.