Monday, September 12, 2011

A New Face of Terrorism

With the recent terror attacks this year in Norway, we
can now dispel the myth that a terrorist is only olive-skinned,
turbaned and arabic-speaking. Most news media proclaimed
Andre Behring Breivik a "right-wing extremist". I was pleased
to see that at least wikipedia got it right by adding the correct word "terrorist" along with that description.
By definition, terrorism is defined as the systematic use of
terror especially as a means of coercion. The children that
Andre targetted were affiliated with the labor party of Norway,
even though terrorist-sympathizer and ultra right-wing
commentator Glenn Beck compared these terror-victims
to Hitler's Youth, a very confusing and contradictory
reference to the fascist children of that time. Anybody who
claims to be a christian and condones this violence should
be immediately ostracized, but we're now living in a very
strange reality portrayed by corporate-sponsored media,
where people like Glenn Beck are given a platform.
Another face of recent terror came from Arizona from one
Jared Lee Loughner, who not only tried to assasinate a
jewish, democratic congresswoman, but also managed to
kill six innocent people, including children. As usual, the word
terrorist was absent from most media and internet. It's time
we english-speaking Americans put words back into their
proper context, and call these white-skinned men what they
are... terrorists ! It doesn't matter that Andre looks like a
male model or Jared looks like a death-metal band lead singer,
the fact is they are terrorists who commited acts of terror, who don't happen to fit the media-stereotype of our muslim-American friends and neighbors. These are the new faces of terror !

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